Part 10: Fundamentals of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Esquema de sección
Learning Goals: Understand the fundamentals of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and which common nuclei are NMR active. NMR frequency depends to large extent on which nucleus is being observed and to a small extent on the chemical environment of the nucleus. Number of signals in 1H NMR = distinct H environments in the molecule structure. Areas of signals (integrations) proportional to numbers of H in a particular (homotopic or enantiotopic) environment.
Reading: Soderberg sections on NMR, chemical inequivalence, NMR experiments, and chemical shift. If you want another perspective on NMR, you could try the NMR chapter of Reusch's online organic chemistry text.
Notes: Review the two pencasts* below. (*-Audio from old pencasts does not work. Ignore the warning about needing to update to latest Adobe Reader - see note in first topic).